I met Hernan getting off the bus and he said he knew a well recomended Hostel and we just have to get there. Hernan must have some distant relatives in the Gates bloodline because he has the Famous Gates Sense of Direction. We took 2 buses and asked directions from 5 different people before we found the place...
Its called Punto Berro and its very nice for being a party/stoner Hostel
Things are more expensive here Montevideo then Buenos Aires. Here´s a shot of the room.
Hernan and I were a little dismayed to learn that its $17 a night for a bunk in the dorms but it didn´t matter for 2 reasons.
1.) I didn´t have any rommates to worry about and
2.) I didn´t sleep.
They party slowly and all night long here in Montevideo. Here´s a shot of the wrecking crew. The guy holding the bong second from the left is Sebastian or seba for short. Next to his left is Juan, the owner of the hostel.
Pot must have the oppisite effect on these guys because it didn´t seem to calm them
down one bit. Personal use is legal/accepted here Uruguay. Our party itinerary went like this.
11pm-Arrive and begin to party at the hostel almost immeadiately until...
130am-Walk a few blocks down the road and buy some more booze and party in the street until...
The Argentinian Spainish has been coming at me really fast all night long and I´m getting maybe half of it. OK more like a third. I can get simple sentences, but many of the words are different down here as well as the pronunciation. They speak with some of the sterotypical italian traits, raising and lowering their voices and accentuating syllables in the middle of a word. Also they pronounce the letter "Y" with a "shhh" type sound. So "La Playa" becomes "La Plasha" or "Uruguayan" becomes "Uruguashan." Also they drop the last letters of words, not as bad as the chileans, but "nos vamos" becomes "no vamo," making it that much harder to understand. I´m starting to get a little frustrated because you´d think after studying Spainsh all these years, (studying passionately I might add,) that I´d get it a little better by now. Anywhoo on with the story...
430am-Go to the club where it so packed and stacked I could barely wiggle an arm free to snap this shot.
630am-Leave the club and walk to the beach singing "Ya viene almaniciendo, la luz ya nos ilumbra"
645am (ish)-Party on the beach and catch the sunrise in Montevideo
730am (ish-time begins to have little importance when you havent slept) Return to the Hostel and party a little more.
Sometime mid morning head hits pillow, body goes slack, everything fades to black and I am OUT...
Honestly I dont know I managed it, or many "big party nights" I have left in this 30 something, (allright 40 something) year old body that houses my 25 year old brain and teenage common sense.
This afternoon Hernan and I went to see the street fair which was supposed to be an antique fair but basically was a Uruguayan swap meet and the Museo de Artes Visuales. Hernan works in an art gallery in BA and is really an interesting guy to go to a museum with. As we were walking, (actually Hernan was walking, I was limping on the gimpy leg that was not too happy about all the recent abuse,) back to the hostel I snapped this pic with the ocean in the background. Notice how long the shadows are...
Tomorrow I´m off to Punto del Este, tuesday-Colonia del Sacramento and wednesday I jump on a sleeper bus for Acunsion, Paraguay and Igazu Falls. I´ll keep you posted...
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