I am, however, prone to swings of the pendleum (spell checker doesn´t work in Chile, EXCUSE ME!) from wild to mellow, daredevil to risk averse, so it might be one of my phases.
So i´ve been planing this trip to South America against all economic odds. I´ll be going minimalist sytle... Oh yeah! So I´m finally on my way, Lonely Planet backpacker style.
I wont say what airline I flew this time, but lets just say it was an "american airline" and as I´m flying on "miles," I had the obligitory layover in Dallas. So I thought I´d make the traditional drinkover stop off at the Irish Bar in the airport and say HI to Jimmy the bartender. Jimmy finagled the day off so I met the the new Jimmy, Chuck
Chuck pours a little better, and forgets to charge for a beer here and there. An attitude I never tire of in a bartender.
I am happy to report that the flight landed in Santiago this morning without incident. My first shock upon landing is that Americans are charges $131 just to arrive in the airport. I guess its called reciprosity (sp?). Basically we charge them when they come to the States so they charge us. Basically we screw their tourists they screw us back. Somebody needs to get Obama on the phone and put an end to this madness. TN, you think you can handle that?
true to my minimalist dedication I beat off the throngs of Taxistas that wanted $30 for a ride to the centro and took the bus for $2.75. When I got off the bus I met a couple German tourists also looking for a hotel. This is Walter and Ullie.
I hereby dub thee.... Hans and Franz. Hans aka Walter wanted to find an old cheap hotel he stayed at 20 years ago here. Cool with me, as long as cheap. Minimalism is in style just as 40 is the new 20. Then he tells me its also a sex motel that rents by the hour. Luckily, it was closed for remolding so we went with the Lonely Planet recommendation and $15 a night buys you a solo room with bathroom down the hall in the center of town. It looks like this:
So Hans, Franz and I went out walking when I had a great new idea for a business. This is really good! The more I thought about it the more feasible it sounded. Its a cross between Hooters and Starbucks. Coffee with chicks in skimpy outfits serving it to you. Then disater stuck... They already have that here in Santiago.
So the plan is not to make any plans and live the thrill of chaos without an itinerary. I´ll be skiing here a couple days before moving on... to where? I dont know, I´ll let you know when I get there. I´m so cool now that I´m cheap.
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