Sometimes I take things a little too seriously on the bike. Here´s a shot of my guide who happens to be riding in the front of the leadout train for my rival. I´m tucked in her slipstream (which is considerable) getting ready to pip her at the line.
Two Chorizos from london staying at the Milhouse party hostel showed up for the bike tour this afternoon wearing identical stripped shorts. While the possibility that they were twins occured to me, I quickly ruled it out based on physical appearences. There was little doubt in my mind, however that this fashion ensemble was carefully coordinated. Keep in mind its about 55 degrees here. So I filled in the blanks from their conversation this morning. Here´s how I imagine it went.
(thumps the bunk above him twice with his foot) "Dude, I´m so hungover"
(leaning over the side of the bunk looking down) "Oh man, me too, those Yeager bombs are da bomb. uhhhh, Let´s go on that Bike Tour."
"Right on, what are you going wear? I´m going with my stripped shorts"
"NOW WAY, DUDE! Thats what I´m going to wear!"
A picture would have been a thousand words here, I know.
There´s an interesting story about this flower that mechanically opens in the morning and closes at night. Apparently Juan Peron tried to build airplanes in the 40´s or 50´s and they were a huge flop, they wouldn´t even fly. So in 2000 some artists salvaged the aircraft aluminum and built this giant flower.
Here´s some of those Recolleta cemetary pictures I promised...
The cemetary was like a miniature city with each crypt a monument to the family and a display of wealth. Here´s a view inside of one. The floor goes underground for more bodily storage (that kinda sounded wierd huh?)
Eva´s tomb, not that extravagant considering...
Here´s what happens when your family doesn´t pay the upkeep fee. The cemetary lets your crypt uhh, "go to hell," so to speak.
Here ex-president Sarmiento´s monument.
Apparently when you´re famous and die, towns and organizations make plaques as a tribute to you. Sarmiento´s legacy was revolutionizing education and he died pennyless, so he gets a lot of plaques...
The cemetary is cat heaven and these Gurns are all friendly and look well fed.
Here´s another exPresidents tomb Irigoyen
After the bike tour I strolled back to the hotel via busy Ave Florida. Lots of glitzy shops and vendors "tourist hunting" to sell their wares. Not really worth posting photos, especially since I didn´t take any.
On to Tango. I got a coupon from the Bike Tour company for 170 pesos (about $40) for dinner and a Tango show. I was a little leary about the quality of the show, but I´m a risk taker right? I asked about the show´s quality and the tour operator said "oh yeah, its BocaTango!" Like thats some kind of brand that everybody knows. Grabbing a Taxi, (I´ve been avoiding them up until now for the sake of adventure) and the Taxista has never heard of it. Not good. We get to the neighborhood and while he´s looking for the address he says "hey, lock your door in this neigborhood its safer, and when you get out watch your pockets." Now I´m really feeling it, "it" being the excitment of another ADVENTURE!
Sadly, we get there and its totally legit.
In fact its a whole Tango compound with little rooms museum style showing what it was like in the 30´s including a live sleeping dog.
It was more then dinner and a Tango show. They had a little play first. The whole thing was very professional, well acted and REALLY well done even if it was a little commercial. I´ll give you plot outline with a little color added for flavor
La Boca is the rivermouth where immigrants settled and built houses from corregated sheet metal and painted them with leftover paint from the ships, hence the bright colors
That sounds really cool, maybe someday they´ll paint tar paper shacks in Tijuana bright mexico orange and it´ll be cool too.
Onto the plot. Fatiga is secretly in love with the beatiful Lulu.
Fatiga would be way over-broad-ed here.
When Fatiga finds out that the fearsome Malevo has forced her into prostitution,
actually Fatiga´s is just pissed because he didn´t think of it first
He challenges Malevo to a duel of knives stirring up a kerfuffle.
A kerfuffle is a hairball your cat coughs up also known as a frontal trout
Emboldened by his love for Lulu, Fatiga manages to defeat Malevo in front of the whole neighborhood.
Oh yeah, Malevo´s got no problem looking bad in front of the whole ´hood.
In view of such a chivalrous attitude a romance blossoms between Lulu and Fatiga,
Actually she dumps him two months later, resenting him for rescuing her and sending the message she can´t take care of herself
and at last, Fatiga´s feelings for Lulu are requited
Not only does being "un" requited really suck, but it makes for a not so happy ending
Pictures were strictly PROHIBITED, which means I snapped them indescriminantly until my camera´s battery died.
Dinner was REALLY good, I had the steak. It was quite dressy in there.
and I was feeling a little ex-officio underdressed...
Is it just me, or is this argentinian dude a dead ringer for a skinny mel gibson with a yahoo serious haircut? Ya, it must just me.
The Tango Show was incredible, there were about 5 couples a live orchestra and alot of good dancing. Wow! I hit this one spot on. Sorry, no photos battery died, and they were really serious about not photographing the dancers.
So I´m to Uruguay on the Buquebus, the high speed ferry. Here´s a virtual tour Looks pretty fancy. Something tells me that for my $40 bucks i´ll be steerage. Maybe I´ll get someone sitting next to me with 2 chicken in a cage on his lap.
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