Speaking of good mews, heres a shot of Gomez the house gurn sitting at the table. We´ve become buds.
The tues noon group ride in Montevideo, no helmets allowed.
I took the bus to to Colonia del Sacramento, just a hit and run daytrip. Colonia was founded by the Portugese in 1680 to smuggle goods across the river into BA. The Spainish captured it 1762. Cool little cobblestone streets and lots of charm. This is a little more of what I want to see.
Some of those battlements are still around.
Heres the light house (19th century)
and the view from it
I know what you´re thinking, "Paul, this is cool and all, but do they have giant petrified mushrooms?"
Why yes, yes they do. (picture not mine)
Paraguay is out. They wont let me in, they must have heard I was planning on coming. Actually it takes to long to get a visa for me to go, plus they want to charge me $100 to get in. Undoubtedly we´re screwing their citizens so turnabout is fair play. Brazil, same thing. So I head off to Sante Fe to explore more of Argentina on a Bus Cama, meaning the seats fully recline into beds this time.
from there maybe Mendoza and who knows after that....