I´m in a bit a different situation of this trip. Normally I have more money then time, which makes expediency the priority, ie plane vs bus. Planning this trip I expected to have more time than money, going low budg and spending three weeks down here. I am realizing that in evaluating my time vs money conundrum, I really don´t have very much of either. In fact, its always one or the other isnt it? Suddenly I´m not feeling very cool.
It felt like a year since I´ve ridden even though its only been a week. And oh so good to be on 2 wheels. This really is a great to see the city and get around by bike even though its not too bike friendly.
We started at the San Martin Monument
and the memorial to the vetrans of the Falklands War, a touchy subject here.
So touchy they put the war memorial to the 600 that died right across from the English monument
The Puerto , notice the bridge built and paid for by the Hiltons (of the hotel fame.) It moves 90 degrees so boats can pass.
The ecological reserve and across the estuary is Uruguay.
I traded in my Hotel room for another across the street. The old one was $25 a night same as they new. I think I´ll play musical $25 hotel rooms for a while in Buenos Aires just to keep things interesting.
Not much of a step up, but the bathroom is really interesting. You shower in the middle of the floor. That should be an experience, AND experience(s) is what its all about right? Whether they´re good or bad, different or indifferent.
Today I did the bike tour again only to Palermo and Recoletta, stopping by the famous cemetary, which truly was amazing. Really for $20 (cost of tour) and a $5 tip for my own guide and a bike to boot? Does it get any better? I think not. Here´s a shot of the cemetary. Go ahead have it... I got lots of em...
(picture omitted as internet cafe computer functiality lacking and I gotta run)
The leg keeps hurting less...
Tonight off to a steak dinner and Tango show! Maybe tomorrow Uruguay, I´ll decide when I wake up in the morning.
talking about time efficiency, that bathroom provides the ultimate way to several things done in one trip to the bathroom. Ponder on that one for a minute....