Excuse Me !!!!

EXCUSE ME! 3rd World keyboards are not Pablo friendly, so excuse if you will grammar, punctuation, spelling, apostrophes, slang, sexual/drug innuendos, racially sensitive remarks and just otherwise general cantankerous nature of Pablo's mild mannered demeanor. Any offense taken is generally intended

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Viva Cuba Libre, but not just yet!

It has come to my attention that perhaps I may have included only the extreme details when describing my last two weeks of adventure in my opening paragraph of my last post. In fact there are much calmer details I may have left out in the interest of poetic license and Pablo Hyperbolie. I´d just like to take the opportunity to set the record straight.

Before I get to the subject title of this post I want to waste a few more minutes of your employers time and share a few more details and fotos about Tulum.

Some of you may have been under the impression that the grass hut I stayed in was lacking in the traditional amenities that Pablo has become accustomed to. Au contraire... There was a private toilet.

Composting Away Odorless and Silent

The shower, however, had no hot water. 90 degree temps and 75% humidity eliminate the need.

Cold Showers Were Also Necessary For The Traditional Purpose

I´d explain the above caption but lets just say that it had to do with the "woman of my dreams" and I´ll expand on that by saying "Machete don´t text, and Pablo don´t kiss and tell"

Sometimes at really fancy hotels you get a welcoming bouquet of flowers or a bottle of champagne or perhaps a free drink in the bar. Here the grass huts come with a welcoming committee in the sink. Every time I got near him he seemed to be "clapping his cute little hands" but I could be mistaken.

Those are little tiny "clappers" right?
I told myself, I said, "Self, let´s just be a little adventurous of an eater this time and keep it to traditional foods considering the GI distress of the previous few years." So did I do that? Not exactly...

I Mean Really, What Can A Little BBQ/baked/Fried Squid REALLY Hurt?

On a final Tulum note, I can´t seem to stop pouring sweat. 4-5 liters of water a day is about the norm just to stay hydrated around here. To give you an idea, here´s a photo at 1am in the morning with Pablo bathing in his own sweat, wondering, "Is there a pill to acclimate to humidity?"
Pablo The Sweat-A-Saurus With Hot Chick At His Left
The days were unforgettable and the nights even more so. While this has been my best trip ever, there´s PLENTY more stories and adventures in the pipeline. With that I bid you all adeiu and remind you that you can comment freely, opening and anonymously.

Now get back to work! 

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