I did however get the following condolence message about my near death experience in Miami from American Airlines.
Dear Mr. Gates:
Our manager in Miami was concerned and asked us to follow up with you regarding your flight with us on February 17. We can understand how frustrating that trip must have been when flight 2111 unexpectedly returned to the airport.
As our personnel indicated at the time, a mechanical problem developed en route to Lima, and the flight returned to Miami so our specialists could take a look at the situation. While our personnel worked hard to minimize the inconvenience, we realize your important travel plans were disrupted. I am truly sorry.
In appreciation for your patience, we've added 3,000 Customer Service bonus miles to your AAdvantage® account.
3,000 miles? Wow, I haope they dont break the bank with that one. 3000 miles also assumes I´d ever use airline miles to fly again... Im gonna have to go with NO on that one. I do plan to write a response and Ill post when I do.
So I landed in Cusco at 8a (11,000 feet above sea level), out of breath with every 3 steps, feeling a little clammy and none too fresh. I made my way to the Plaza de Armas and NO ONE has ever heard of the Flying Dog Hostal here. Not knowing what to do, I fall back on an old friend... I mean really, is there ever a bad time for a good cigar?
I found the flying gurn Hostal and its really nice, all except my room. The hot water is a little hard to use, just a little warming machine on the wall in the shower that works best at a trickle. Kinda like being peed on, (NOT that I know what thats like!)
I bought a bag of coca leaves from a street vendor, the time honored method of acclimatizing to altitude here and began chewing them, you know, when in rome. They don´t taste too good but they make my mouth a little numb so they must be working right? I guess the Coca is some sort of vasodialator. They say the inca runners that ran from Cusco to Macchu Pichu chewed these things and ran for three days straight, without eating or sleeping. They must have had a very different coca leaf then I have because i´m not getting that at all. I guess Ill just have to keep trying ;-) I wonder if that would make me test positive in an out of competition drug test ?
Ive been know to have some problems with altitude namely when skiing Ill wake up the first night with a migraine type headache, so Im being careful no alcohol no caffeine. I guess I´m lucky, I´ve heard stories of super fit people throwing up for three days when they get here. They say how you react to altitude is all genetic, thanks Mom!
I´ve spent 3 hours of the day napping, and the rest getting the lay of the land. Cool cobblestone streets and ultra narrow cars able to navigate them.
I think the riot police from Lima must have called ahead and told their buddies I was on my way because when I got here these dudes were waiting for me.
Im off this afternoon for a tour of the ancient incan cities around cusco, then tomorrow the Sacred valley and Macchu Piccu. They had this 4 day mountain bike tour to macchu piccu that I missed because I didnt plan ahead enough. Im really bummed to miss that one... Setting up tours is a little dodgy (a word Ive adopted from my English friends) because you never know who to trust. I{ve heard horror stories where the guide gets you 4 days up the inca trail and leaves you there with no train ride home even after you paid for it. So Ill just wing it and see what happens
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